Show your support

We champion a special repertoire, the polyphony of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, because we are convinced of the high quality and power of countless early works. We are pioneers of this repertoire on the classical concert stages and even after more than 50 years, only a small part of the treasures have been unearthed. We ensure that our musical heritage is not lost and keep it alive. In a chaotic world, our concerts offer the experience of connectedness to the harmony of Medieval and Renaissance polyphony. Together, we make journeys of discovery in breathtaking polyphonic constructions, simple beauty and nostalgic melancholy.
For our concerts, our search for unknown repertoire and our recordings, the Huelgas Ensemble needs resources. You can help us fulfil this work at the highest level and with the utmost commitment.
Your contribution ensures that we can make the polyphonic music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance known worldwide, that we can realise intense concert experiences and that music from the past can be heard again. In other words, you help ensure that our musical heritage can be experienced alive again. And for this we thank you in advance.
Make a donation
You can also donate directly to:
Huelgas Ensemble
IBAN: BE36 0012 4596 3481
Communication: "GIFT HUELGAS ENSEMBLE from (your name and email address)".
For donations over €40,00 you will receive a certificate for tax exemption. For a tax certificate, please email us your name, address and national registration number (national insurance number for UK nationals):
Large donations (from €1.000,-) we will be happy to display on our website.
If you would like your name and/or company to be listed on our website as a benefactor, please contact us:

The Huelgas Ensemble is a worldwide ambassador for Franco-Flemish musical heritage. We are a figurehead and inspiration also for new ensembles.
Huelgas stands for innovation and surprise. We continue to bring unknown masterpieces to the stage and we inspire our audience with new angles and innovative forms of presentation as an alternative to classical concert stages.
We present honest and pure musical experiences. We respect the repertoire and are honest with our audience. We combine tradition with creativity and bring history to life in unique and intimate concert experiences.
We are the only ensemble in the world that can look back on so much experience with this repertoire. Huelgas has a unique archive, which is constantly being expanded. Decades of dedicated research by our artistic director, Paul Van Nevel, who is often compared to 'Hercule Poirot' by the international press, forms the basis for our presentations through which we share our knowledge and discoveries with the public.
Quality is at the heart of Huelgas. Our musicians are top international specialists in our repertoire, selected by us. The Huelgas Ensemble's interpretation is veined with a thorough knowledge of the aesthetic views of the musical and vocal practice of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The result is concerts and recordings of an almost unearthly beauty.
The three pillars of our work are: concerts - recordings - research
For more than 50 years, under the direction of Paul Van Nevel, Huelgas has performed worldwide repertoire of the musical European heritage for an enthusiastic international audience. Thanks to numerous transcriptions from old manuscripts and new discoveries, Huelgas can draw on a unique archive.
With over 1,000 concerts and more than 120 CD recordings, numerous radio broadcasts and film recordings of vocal and instrumental works from the 12th to the 17th century, Huelgas is a global leader in the rediscovery of polyphony. The Huelgas Ensemble has performed in all major international music centres and festivals, winning numerous international awards.
Huelgas receives considerable attention from the international press, which praises the spontaneous vibrancy and extraordinary clarity with which the Huelgas Ensemble performs its repertoire and constantly sets new artistic standards.
Major gift benefactors
Peter Dekeersmaeker
KU Leuven Research & Development
Ann Steenbrugghe + Mark Vandecruys
Vic baron Swerts
Frederik Vandermarliere
Vic baron Swerts
Frederik Vandermarliere
Bernard Siau
Ann Steenbrugghe + Mark Vandecruys
Guy Vande Vyvere
Omphalos Muziek: Theo en Marian Schuurman
Professor Herman baron Daems
Professor Bart De Moor + Hilde Devoghel
Vic baron Swerts
Frederik Vandermarliere
Bernard Siau
Ann Steenbrugghe + Mark Vandecruys
KU Leuven Research & Development
Fund+ Leuven
Piet baron Van Waeyenberge
Professor Bart De Moor + Hilde Devoghel